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Stichting Twist
Stichting Twist
Stichting Lotje
Stichting Lotje
Stichting Enabling Leadership
Stichting Enabling Leadership
Disaster Tech Lab
Disaster Tech Lab is a nonprofit providing emergency connectivity, tech training, and rapid response in disaster zones, ensuring communication for survivors and aid coordination. It relies on volunteers and donors to operate.
The Binary
At The Binary, we bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, promote human-centered values, and defend digital rights like privacy, data protection, and freedom of expression through advocacy and action.
High Five Tilburg
High Five Tilburg
Wens Stichting Drente
Wens Stichting Drente
Red Een Kind
Red Een Kind
Emile Foundation
Emile Foundation
Amsterdam Warriors
Amsterdam Warriors
Founderland is Europe’s largest community of women of colour entrepreneurs, providing access to funding, mentorship, and a powerful network to help founders overcome systemic barriers and scale their businesses.
Stichting ProFor
ProFor ondersteunt sinds 1997 etnische minderheidsgroepen in Nederland, met focus op Antillianen, Arubanen en Spaanstaligen. Via een laagdrempelige en resultaatgerichte aanpak werken we aan zelfredzaamheid en organiseren we activiteiten en bijeenkomsten.
Uniform Exchange
Uniform Exchange ensures every child in Kirklees has access to free school uniforms, helping families during the cost-of-living crisis. Working with 182 schools, it reduces waste, fosters belonging, and boosts children's self-esteem and readiness to learn
Global Dominicans
Global Dominicans es una organización que apoya a los dominicanos en los Países Bajos, ayudándoles a superar por ejemplo barreras lingüísticas e integración cultural. Contáctanos por teléfono o email para más información y asistencia.
World Disaster Center (WDC)
The World Disaster Center transforms disaster management through integrated technology and human intelligence, empowering communities and organizations globally with tools for proactive preparedness, effective response, and sustainable recovery.
Doula Da Luz
Doula Da Luz biedt professionele, liefdevolle ondersteuning aan zwangere vrouwen en gezinnen, met holistische zorg en emotioneel welzijn, van zwangerschap tot postpartum, voor een warme en empowerende ervaring.
Grupo Cultural Ritmo Dominicano
Grupo Cultural Ritmo Dominicano promotes Dominican culture, traditions, and heritage in the Netherlands. Join our events and experience the joy, music, and flavors of our beautiful island. Celebrate the Dominican rhythm! 🌴🇩🇴
Alex TLC
Alex TLC provides essential support and information to those affected by leukodystrophies—rare genetic disorders impacting the brain and spinal cord. Established in 2004, it’s the UK’s only charity of its kind globally.
Movement on the Ground
Movement On The Ground is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting refugees and displaced communities. Through innovative projects and sustainable solutions, they aim to improve living conditions, foster dignity, and empower individuals in crisis.
New Empowered Women
N.E.W. es una organización que empodera a las mujeres ayudándolas a reconocer su valor, redescubrir su propósito y encontrar el sentido en sus vidas, inspirándolas y apoyándolas en su camino hacia una vida plena.
Just Digg It
We unite people worldwide to restore nature. With 300,000 hectares restored and over 9 million trees planted, we’re building a growing grassroots movement. Our mission: to green Africa in 10 years with millions of farmers—and you. Dig in!
Schuldhulpmaatje Den haag
Hulpschuldmaatje Den Haag ondersteunt inwoners van Den Haag met financiële problemen. Vrijwilligers bieden persoonlijke begeleiding om schulden aan te pakken, veerkracht op te bouwen en stabiliteit te bereiken.
Uganda Lodge
Uganda Lodge empowers rural Ugandan communities through education, healthcare, and development. Its guesthouse funds local projects, sponsors education, and offers vocational training, fostering connections and meaningful volunteer experiences.
Safe The Children
Save the Children, the world’s first independent children’s organization, transforms lives by working with children, communities, and partners to ensure the most vulnerable survive, learn, and are protected.
Living Memories
Living Memories C.I.C. is a UK-based social enterprise using mid-20th century archive films to create reminiscence tools for older people, including those with dementia, fostering connection and memory.
Mindsum is a non-profit platform dedicated to matching you with therapists who best fit your unique needs. By prioritising your well-being over profit, we ensure you receive the personalised care and support you deserve.
Ieder kind heeft talent, ongeacht achtergrond. JINC zet zich in voor een samenleving waarin kansen niet bepaald worden door waar je vandaan komt, maar waarin ieder kind gelijke kansen krijgt om te groeien en te slagen, ongeacht hun omstandigheden.
Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation
The Jeremiah Lucas Opira Foundation (JLOF), founded in Sweden in 2011, empowers communities through sustainable projects that foster independence, self-sufficiency, and respect for diversity.
Kay Mason Foundation
Since 1999 the Kay Mason Foundation has worked to eliminate barriers to quality education for promising young people from underserved communities in and around the Western Cape.
Our Sansar
Our Sansar is dedicated to transforming the lives of Nepal's most disadvantaged children by providing education, shelter, and welfare. We strive to protect and empower, ending child labour and marriage, and offering hope where help is most needed.
The 4-22 Foundation is a UK not-for-profit founded in 2019, based in Tottenham, Haringey. We provide continuous, integrated support to young people aged 4-22, focusing on those at greatest risk of disadvantage.
Stichting Chill
Stichting Chill, opgericht in 2022, creëert prikkelarme omgevingen voor mensen met onzichtbare barrières zoals drukte en licht. Door inclusieve activiteiten in horeca, winkels en evenementen, bevorderen zij ontspanning en sociale deelname.
Creating Better Futures
Creating Better Futures supports vulnerable children in Zimbabwe through education, scholarships, and essentials like food and healthcare. Working with communities, they create sustainable projects to break poverty cycles and build brighter futures.
Stichting Move
Stichting Move biedt kinderen en jongeren uit kwetsbare wijken de kans hun talenten te ontdekken en ontwikkelen. Samen met young professionals en studenten werken ze aan buurtprojecten, wat hun zelfvertrouwen versterkt en sociale betrokkenheid vergroot.
Healing Venezuela
Healing Venezuela, a charity in the UK, USA, France, and Northern Ireland, works to ease Venezuela’s health crisis through impactful, non-political interventions. Supported by 30+ global volunteers, it has earned awards for humanitarian efforts.
Childhood Tumour Trust
A chartiy dedicated to improving the lives and supporting children, young people and their families affected by Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1)
BSC Almere
BSC Almere is dé plek voor sportliefhebbers in Almere. Met onze passie voor beeball, honkbal, softbal en slowpitch streven wij ernaar om sport toegankelijk en plezierig te maken voor iedereen. Samenwerken en plezier met elkaar staan centraal.
LaForsa zet zich al 8 jaar in voor het bevorderen van een gezonde levensstijl voor jongeren door middel van sport, met als doel hun veerkracht te vergroten, gelijke kansen te creëren en talentontwikkeling te ondersteunen.
NOUR Unity Hub - Netherlands
Nour Unity Hub ondersteunt de moslimgemeenschap in Nederland bij het overwinnen van obstakels zoals taalbarrières, sociale isolatie en werkgelegenheid, en streeft naar versterking, welzijn en betere integratie.
Soma Community
SOMA helpt al 10 jaar Somaliërs en vluchtelingen in Nederland met taalproblemen. We bieden ondersteuning bij administratie en organiseren activiteiten voor betere integratie. Ons netwerk voorkomt dat mensen van het kastje naar de muur worden gestuurd.
México Sin Fronteras - Netherlands
México sin Fronteras apoya a los mexicanos en los Países Bajos a superar barreras lingüísticas, integración cultural, acceso a empleo y servicios, fomentando su bienestar y desarrollo en una comunidad unida.
Ukraine Together
Uniting Ukrainians globally, offering support, advice, and connections. Together, we maintain our heritage, stand strong, and ensure no Ukrainian feels alone abroad.
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